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T.J. Miller and Gina Carano (Weasel, Angel Dust)

Deadpool Initially Had Three Very Different Villains

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Because even when something good happens, we want something better. The latest piece of Deadpool trivia circling is that there was initially three villains involved that we never get to see, and there are certainly fans out there lost in a world of possibilities in their own minds.

The film, which features Ajax and Angel Dust, was confirmed to have initially had three characters under Ajax, according to screenwriter Rhett Reese.

"We consolidated, in the first draft, Ajax has really three underlings. It was Wyre, it was Garrison Kane and it was Sluggo," Rheese said, speaking with CinemaBlend. "And then ultimately due to budget, we had to consolidate those into one character. And we wanted the movie to have a really strong kick-ass female presence. That was a mandate from Tim, so we introduced, we introduced Angel Dust as sort of a combination of those three to provide the muscle for Ajax."

Wyre is a mutant assassin, Sluggo a Weapon X graduate, a mercenary, and invulnerable, and Garrison Kane is a cyborg mercenary, also a Weapon X graduate. Will we see more Weapon X action in future films?

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Deadpool,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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