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New Image of ''IT''

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez With Hollywood rebooting everything now a days, why not reboot everyone favorite clown Pennywise from the popular 1990 television mini series. IT was based on Stephen Kings novel in which seven pre-teen outcasts, fight an evil demon who poses as a child-killing clown. Thirty years later, they reunite to stop the demon once and for all when it returns to their hometown. The villains role of Pennywise was played by non other then Tim Curry himself. In this reboot, Bill Starsguard will be helming the role of the evil clown. We got our first glimpse into how Pennywise will look in the reboot a few weeks ago, but lately a new image of the killer clown was released by Entertainment Weekly. The image shows Pennywise peaking out of a large pipe. No word yet on when we will see the first trailer.

Stephen Kings IT
Stephen Kings IT

Posted in It,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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