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'Next-Level' Craziness to Come in Season 2 of 'Stranger Things'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Producer Shawn Levy has spoken with Southern California Public Radio about the massive Netflix hit Stranger Things, which recently got renewed for a second season.

“A lot of Season 2 is next-level, some crazy stuff,” he said. “But we must service these characters who are now beloved, who are known to the audience.”

There is pressure now, Levy admitted. “Yes, the pressure is on. It would be so blatantly disingenuous of me to say differently. It’s scary to have people love something this much. It becomes impossible to banish all thoughts of not wanting to disappoint. This has been the challenge of it:

"on the one hand as we’ve see in the movie world, to do a follow-up that feels like the same thing is disappointing to an audience; to abandon things or change things [from the original], that disappoints the audience.”

He did confirm that there will be justice for Barb in season 2.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Stranger Things,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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