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These Avengers Members Want the X-Men to Cross the Border into the MCU

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell During a Wizard World Panel in Philadelphia, Marvel stars Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, and Chris Evans expressed unanimous interest in seeing the mutants of the X-Men franchise jump across and joining them in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Evans was more interested on a professional level, stating that "I'd love to work with Fassbender because he's Fassbender. Him and McAvoy, one of those guys would be great to work with."

Stan noted simply that it "looks like it's time to get back some of the X-Men. Mystique. We need that Mystique." Given the diversity of Fox's X-Men line in terms of super powers, the mutants offer something that would be somewhat refreshing in the punch-friendly MCU.

Whether we'll ever see it come to fruition is anybody's guess. But if it can happen for Spider-Man, then why not?

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in X-Men: Apocalypse,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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