Star Trek

review from the movie Star Trek

about this review

So I went to this Star Trek screening expecting all those Trekkies to be there. But only one, just one person dared to put on his Star Trek costume to come and see the new Trek. But, I also heard Paramount didn’t want fans to dress up and wanted as little reference to the old movies as possible.

That’s awesome. Pling, pling, pling. Awesome dude. Now of to the review or small impression. This won’t be a review for Star Trek fans, but a review for movie fans. Actually I’m not even sure I ever saw a full Star Trek movie before. Nevertheless, this one is pretty damn awesome.

The Story

So it’s no secret the new Star Trek wants little to do with its predecessors. Well, actually, that’s not quite true, as you will see in the movie. But this one has pace, a lot of pace, humor, lingerie and really bloody fist fights.

Without spoiling too much about the story, in this movie a lot is about introducing the characters. But while you’re introduced to them, an epic story unfolds, nothing like anything else in theaters this summer.

The Characters

It’s all about the characters. Kirk and Spock, who, uhm, aren’t BFF’s. Both Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto deliver amazing performances. They make the movie work. If you’d replace them with some B-actors, this movie might’ve turned into another laughable G.I. Joe. It’s funny how Paramount is producing that movie as well.

The Special Effects

I saw the movie in an IMAX theater and well, I’ll tell you this. J.J. Abrams didn’t want to bore you for one minute. Not only are you hooked from the start. If you’ve seen all the trailers and TV spots, there will be a world full of CGI and special effects left to explore. Definitely see it in IMAX if you can.

The World

Only like one time I felt like, o, we’re switching between ships again. Things are shaking on one ship, bad guys are being evil on the other ship. And we’re switching between sets. But for the rest, the world really feels complete. Rich sets, with a lot of detail. A world with a lot to explore in the already announced sequel.

The Bad?

I was so absorbed by the movie and warped through the 2 hours, I thought, are there any bads about the movie? Well, to be honest, there are a couple of moments when it becomes geeky. But that’s to be expected and not something to be bothered about. Also, some cheesy lines and streamlined costumes might spoil the mood. But really, there’s not much to dislike. Unless, you were expecting an amazingly deep drama. Uhm, hello, this is Star Trek yo.

The Verdict

Hmm, I’m not really someone who easily gives high marks to blockbusters, so this’ll be higher than I maybe would give a movie on a 10 point scale. But I won’t go into quarter stars and this thing is so damn entertaining from beginning to end. 4.5 stars. Enjoy. This is the Star Trek of the new generation.

High Definition Star Trek review (3:45 minutes) added to the Cultjer video catalog on May 8th, 2009.

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Is Star Trek
worth the popcorn?
