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Boardwalk Empire
The conspiracy between Jimmy, Eli and Commodore in Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 2

The conspiracy between Jimmy, Eli and Commodore in Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 2

Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Episode 2: ‘Ourselves Alone’ making of.

It's ours for the taking boys. Hell, it's not gonna be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. But ask the man inside you this. When you come face to face with destiny. Do you wanna be the bear. Or you wanna be holding the shotgun?

Howard Korder: Season one ended with the forming of a conspiracy between Jimmy, Eli (Nucky's brother) and the Commodore. And once that commitment was made in the story, we really had to honor it. And so almost all the figures that we had met in Atlantic City were now on the other side of the fence from Nucky. And it became an interesting reason to explore what happens when a man in power is no longer supported by the people who give him that power. Eli has a line in this episode: you know the funny thing? Nobody takes power. Somebody else has to give it to him.

We could argue, is that absolutely true or not. But unless somebody is willing to bow down before you, then you can't dominate them. If they don't fight back. Or if they choose to, then you have a battle on your hands. And I think what Nucky discovers, those people who form his army have suddenly decided to desert. And he's a general without troops. And he has to figure out very quickly how to respond to that.

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