Batman Solo Film to Borrow From Famous Comic Book Tales
While a solo Batman film is years away, Warner Bros., as well as director Ben Affleck and co-writer Geoff Johns, hopes to dig into the endless vault of comic book tales for inspiration.
Notably, one particular work is the famous 1988 storyline 'A Death in the Family', in which the Joker brutally murders second Robin Jason Todd. This result came from a vote from which the public ultimately determined that Robin's fate.
The other storyline is 'Under the Red Hood', in which Jason Todd returns from the dead to take revenge on the villains of Gotham (with a more fatal touch than his former teacher).
This could in some ways go hand in hand with rumours and fan speculation that pegs Jared Leto's Joker as more of a Joker 'fan'. Some have even said that his Joker could actually be Jason Todd himself.
If this turns out to be true, the Batman solo film looks likely to be a prequel to the events of Batman v Superman. While going back in time isn't always wise in a cinematic universe, we meet Batman initially next year, years after he donned the cowl.
It could well be fascinating to find out how he became the man he is when we meet him taking on the man of steel next year.
Source: Collider