Batman Solo Film to Focus on the Character's Tragic Past
Plenty of questions remain for the solo Batman film everyone's excited about. While Ben Affleck won't give any answers as to whether he'll be in the director's chair or not (though even if he is, he'll be on his feet most of the time anyway), Geoff Johns has revealed a few details for what we can expect from the film.
Speaking with EW, Johns alluded that the film will focus on the tragedies of Batman's past, and specifically what happened to Robin before the events of Batman v Superman. "We'll be exploring that, no one says specifically the name of which Robin that is."
While Jason Todd is famous for being the Robin to suffer a torturous demise under the Joker in the comic book lore, there's never any surety when it comes to film translation. There's plenty of opportunity to play with the established mythology when the Batman solo film hits, but for now we have him taking on Superman on March 25.
Source: Cinemablend