'Batman v Superman' the Victim of Online Twitter Spammers
It seems someone doesn't want Batman v Superman to do very well. A social media marketing specialist believes an online Twitter campaign is likely a paid one, even if inexpensive, which is intended to stir bad word of mouth ahead of the film's release.
The numerous tweets read variations of the line "Batman v Superman will be a two hour tracking shot of every DC character crying in the rain."The messages seem to be using an algorithm preventing the spambot from detecting it by creating spelling errors, spacing differences, and other such means to avoid cut-and-paste detection.
Most of the accounts feature young women, primarily non-English-language tweeters (apart from the Batman v Superman message), and it's unclear whether these are fake accounts or whether the account holders are even aware of it.
While the film maintains a 99% 'want to see' rating on Rotten Tomatoes, there's been plenty of rumours and concerns surrounding the lead up to the film that have certainly had the potential to hinder the film's arrival. Hopefully, that's not the case come March 25.
Source: Comicbook