Ben to Arkham?
With the announcement of Ben helming the directing and writing duties in the next solo Batman movies. The question remands on what is the story line? Ben has made it clear, that his movie will be an original story that will borrow elements from past Batman stories. The rumor is that in this movie, Batman will find himself locked inside Arkham Asylum along with the rest of the crazy inmates. Pulling off this story would be something truly entertaining and a darker take on the Bat franchise. But at this point I feel like this is something we need to see. Other than the Jason Todd Red Hood story line, I different horror type take on this iconic asylum could be something that would take Batman out of his element to tackle the morbid members of Gotham. With Geoff Johns also helping out with the screenplay, This movie has bright light at the end of the tunnel. Or if the rumors are true...are dark pit at the end of the tunnel.