Deborah Snyder on Why the DCEU Superman is Grounded and Meaningful
Zack Snyders Batman v Superman makes a huge effort to humanise Superman in dour ways, which conflicted fans. It's an extension of Man of Steel, which showed Clark Kent as nothing more than a man trying to find his place in the world.
Snyder's wife, Deborah, and producing partner, has spoken to Forbes regarding the modern Superman that Zack has adapted to the screen, and what audiences are meant to feel toward him.
"And it’s all so human, right? It’s about these journeys. I mean, Zack really loves Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey," Snyder said. "And these characters are just so mythic, and their journeys– I always say they’re journeys are what we can relate to.
"Because we can’t relate to their powers, so what do you have? That’s the great thing about our Superman. He is more relatable. Someone said, 'It’s so dark,' and I go, 'Well, is it dark? He’s going through real problems that we go through as people every day.'
"To me that’s not dark, that’s life. We’re complicated people. And we’re making him in that way more relatable." Ironically, much of the debate in the film's is whether the people should allow a god to save them. There's a conflict of interest, that can either be compelling or confusing.
Source: Comicbook