Fassbender To Play Two Roles in Alien: Covenant
The plot of Alien: Covenant has possibly just thickened a little as Ridley Scott revealed in a press conference that Michael Fassbender will portray two roles in this highly anticipated movie. Scott, who spoke at Sydney's Fox Studio Australia, stated that Fassbender will play David and 'a doppleganger'.
Will there be two Davids? It's too early to speculate whether Fassbender's other role will also be an android. If one recalls, Alien 3, there were two Bishops portrayed by Lance Henriksen and one of them is human.
Scott, who is in Australia to announce the filming location for the movie, also confirmed that Noomi Rapace will be in the film as Elizabeth Shaw though, unfortunately, only in a small role. Casting for the Covenant crew is almost completed but the director declined to name them since the contracts have yet to be signed.
Alien: Covenant will start filming in March 2016 and will arrive in theatres on October 2017. There are plans for two more sequels after Covenant before the story line meets up with Scott's 1979 Alien.
src: Cinemablend and scified.com