Gal Gadot Calls for More Female Superheroes
During a Twitter Q&A with fans, Batman v Superman and Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot reaffirmed her stance on female representation, continuing to relish her position as a role model young women.
."@shadowofmydoubt It feels great! Being a mother, it’s very important that #WonderWoman comes back to life, we need more female superheros."
Gadot has been one of few shining lights in the eyes of critics and fans alike coming out of the film, and hopefully it can kickstart a new trend of women playing larger roles on the big screen. For better or worse, superhero features bring more fans to the cinema than any other, and therefore has the most potential to to instigate some change and awareness even on a subconscious level.
The actress commented during the Q&A on the day shooting the trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman fighting side by side (by side):
".@daggersIjp Enjoyed coming to set everyday- though some scenes were painful haha shooting the trinity was my favorite, such a fun EPIC day!"
Source: Comicbook