Jena Malone Batman v Superman Role Revealed?
Via CBM, a photo has emerged from a French Magazine that details character profiles of each of the major players in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice superhero belt-down.
For some time, Jena Malone's role has been rumoured as Barbara Gordon, the first female to take on the Batgirl persona. Another rumour had her playing Carrie Kelly, the female robin who took up the 'R' mantle in the famous comic storyline The Dark Knight Returns.
The magazine excerpt however allocates Malone as the confirmed Batgirl, and not Oracle (a version of Barbara Gordon post-spinal injury, where she is confined to a wheelchair).
The excerpt does say that Scoot McNairy is playing Jimmy Olsen, although rumours are circling that suggest this is untrue. For now, we can take the news with a grain of salt, but we can perhaps assume this as a reliable confirmation until more news surfaces.
Batman v Superman opens March 25.
See the whole magazine excerpt here.
Source: Screenrant