Jena Malone Character Revealed in 'Batman v Superman' End Credits Roll
A redditor has discovered an unlisted video on the THX-DC Youtube page titled Batman v Superman - Ultimate Edition - End Credits. A minute and thirteen seconds in, Jena Malone's credit is revealed as a character named Jenet Klyburn.
While certainly falling very short of what many expected (given rumours suggesting she'd be playing possibly Batgirl or another caped superhero), Klyburn is a S.T.A.R. Labs scientist who in the books eventually becomes director.
So while the role is a little short of what we may have expected, it opens up potential to explore a whole new side of things. There's a good chance we'll be seeing the character if not in Justice League than perhaps in the Flash or Cyborg film.
The Ultimate Edition lands on Digital HD on June 28 and on Blu-ray July 19.
Source: Comicbook