Jena Malone Won't Appear in Theatrical Cut of Batman v Superman; Snyder Confirms Who She Isn't Playing
Way back in October of 2014, The Hunger Games star Jena Malone was confirmed for a role in Batman v Superman. Right up until now, no word on her role has come forward, which is an achievement in itself considering we're in the midst of what some dub a 'spoiler culture'.
But yesterday it was confirmed that her character had been cut from the theatrical edition of the film, presumably because the film was probably looking pretty bulky already. Being able to trim her from the film completely suggests that her role isn't major, but Snyder has confirmed a couple of things for us.
The director won't elaborate on who her character is because she will be included in the film's Ultimate Edition home release. He did say to EW that "I think we should keep it private, but it's nothing that's been talked about. She's definitely not Robin or Batgirl. I'm happy to say that."
This could mean her role may be of an original character, and one that wasn't crucial to the film. However, we shouldn't count her out of the future of the DCEU, particularly if she does happen to play the role of a comic book character.
Source: Cinemablend