Michael Fassbender to Play Two Androids in 'Alien: Covenant'
Ridley Scott's upcoming Prometheus sequel, Alien: Covenant, has been dormant in the news department for some time, but now we've learned something new. Michael Fassbender's Prometheus character David will not be the only android the character plays.
The film follows an outer space expedition to colonize an uncharted world, upon which David is the only occupant. With the news that there will be a new type of Xenomorph, Fassbender himself has confirmed that "I am allowed to say I am playing two robots - Walter and David."
Whether it's speculation or confirmation is unclear, but the site said that Walter would be a newer model of David, who is more humane and is therefore going to clash with the former.
The film opens August 4, 2017. Is it time to start counting down the days yet?
Source: Comicbook