Supergirl, Season 1, Episode 2 - A Welcome Change of Pace
Superhero standards galore, but I don't want to bore you. Supergirl's strengths are far more deserving of our time than its weaknesses, and episode 2 continues to steadily develop the usual core 'team' surrounding the main heroine. That steady pace gets a sudden spike when we're shoved headfirst into the central conflict that will hold our attentions for this season.
Or at least, try to. Apart from her emotional ties to Kara's past (and what would a hero be without a villain that resurfaces her tortured past?), Astra isn't all that interesting. It's a shame that most of what we see here is stuff we've seen before. So even if it's good, it's still not quite good enough.
What does help the show stand out is that it has a clearly feminist agenda. Here's hoping that it doesn't become the show's distracting theme, and so far it doesn't (quite), but for a young female audience this might be just the series that needs to be on the air at the moment. With The Flash, Gotham, Arrow and the rest preaching strong male protagonists, it's a breath of fresh air to have Melissa Benoist as Kara to even the odds just a little.
That being said, there are clear traits that might not hold for very long. Kara's self doubt is unlike what we've seen with other, male, characters, and the show will be stronger for it when she replaces that with confidence. However, Benoist's performance continues to be stellar, and the character is fun enough and lovable enough that her training and learning are welcome assets to the show.
Though, a welcome spark came in the episode's final act. Prior to that, a new villain-of-the-week had been introduced, Kara was learning more about herself, and the people around her were cementing their place in the team. It felt like all the necessary components of a superhero drama. The show was in no hurry.
But regardless of the repetitive trope of family member/loved one being kidnapped by the villain moment, Kara is thrown right into the deep end, and right into the arms of her aunt (and mother's twin sister, naturally). The battle that ensues is highly entertaining, although the eye-beam showdown doesn't quite have that kick that it might otherwise have once the show had seasoned itself a little longer.
If Benoist has one standout string in her bow, its her uncanny ability to conjure up a little emotion with the slightest of lines. When her holographic mother is gifted to her via a room (created based on flimsy technicalities, but whatever) much like Superman's own fortress, her mother offers her services. Kara requests a hug, and its that kind of subtle heart that does the trick. It isn't hyped up, it isn't dramatised. It's just good writing. Of course, the hologram cannot complete that role. And with a narrowing of the eyes, Kara gets back to business.
Chyler Leigh continues to put in solid work as Alex, but the character herself isn't entirely enjoyable. She has redeeming moments, but ultimately she is at times mean and at others a little annoying. Mehcad Brooks as James Olson offers another solid performance, and the character is more and more feeling like a rock that the show needs, a grounding asset for the crime-fighting trio.
And yes, its a trio, because apparently Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan) needs to be there. He's less annoying this time around (he has less to do), and he and Olson bounce off of one another nicely. David Harewood as Hank Henshaw is a pretty necessary character, though so far all I see is the late Estes from Homeland.
Supergirl continues its solid start, impressively managing to create its own identity despite having to mention Superman or Metropolis at least half a dozen times in an episode. I can't help but think that we'll be returned to the villain-of-the-week standard come episode 3, but let's wait and see. So far, Kara is proving to be a hero in her own right, and could prove to be an important one in modern society.