This magic moment
Fantastic Beats and where to find them, is the next installment in the world of Harry Potter. While this movie is a stand alone wizard tale, it does name drop some of the names from Harry Potter that we all have learned to love. First of all, when the movie started, I was taken back by how amazing the costumes where. They really nailed the time period to a T. Eddie Redmayne plays Newt Scmander, a wizard who saves and takes care of all the beats that he finds. His character is sweet and cares so much about his beats. You really feel for his craters as he try's to educate the magic world that not all beats are deadly. A nice addition to the movie, was Dan Fogler and Alison Sudol. They added a nice smooth comic relief to the movie without destracting from the storyline. I feel that the next iteration in the Fantastic Beats series, will show is a new wizard wold that we never knew existed.