Zack Snyder on Why he Cast Ben Affleck in the Role of Batman
Remember when there was plenty of concern and resentment toward the casting of Ben Affleck in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman? Because that's what always happens. It happened to Heath Ledger in 2007. It'll continue happening.
Until those fans are proven wrong. In any case, Affleck certainly looks the part in all of the promotion released so far. Snyder spoke recently on his decision to cast Affleck in the role. "Casting Ben felt like a no brainer to me."
"I know that there was some backlash, but he's just so perfect to me, especially in his size and age." It seems no one else ever had a chance, including Christian Bale for all of those resolute fans that couldn't let go of that particular idea.
Affleck being 11 years older than Henry Cavill improves the dynamic that Snyder is certainly going for, and Affleck can certainly play weary, as shown in the trailers. Bruce Wayne battling a far younger, far stronger man has plenty of potential to play cheekily with modern and age-old generational arguments, in the idea that the next generation is going to destroy the world the old ones created.
But perhaps that's thinking a little too philosophically for a superhero romp. In any case, there's plenty of intrigue surrounding the dynamics for the film. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives March 25.
Source: Cinemablend