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Another Classic 'Star Wars' Character Will Appear in Rogue One

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter Spoiler Warning for Star Wars: Rogue One ahead. If you don't want tolearn the spoiler turn back now.

A classic Star Wars character has recently confirmed he would appear in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Jimmy Smits, who played Bail Organa in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, revealed he would be making a cameo in Rogue One. Smits confirmed his cameo on the CBS show The Talk.

Smits stressed to the audience that it would just be a really small part.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Bail Organa. Bail Organa is the adoptive father to Princess Leia. Bail Organa dies in A New Hope but because Rogue One takes place before it Bail Organa will appear. Organa works along with the rest of the Rebel alliance.

Bail Organa joins Darth Vader as the classic characters joining Rogue One. It will for sure make Rogue One feel more authenticate.

Source: Variety

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Posted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

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