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Another new 'Rogue One' poster, this time courtesy of IMAX

'Rogue One' Surpasses 'Finding Dory' at the Box Office

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter Rogue One is still going strong at the box office bringing in a total of $17 million this weekend.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story officially passed Finding Dory to become the highest-grossing domestic release of 2016. The film will end the weekend with roughly $980 million. The film should cross $1 billion in a week or two.

This should give Disney the confidence to continue on with the Anthology franchise. Also marks back to back years where a Star Wars film is number one grossing. 2015, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and then now Rogue One in 2016.

It looks like Episode VIII is a shoe in to be the top box office attraction in 2017.

Source: Collider

Posted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,

ZachPerilstein ZachPerilstein Disney Reporter

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